Taking MetroLink or MetroBus even a day or two a week saves commuters money on gas, maintenance and parking – it also helps them stay active and reduce stress. The St. Clair County Transit District – in conjunction with Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT), has launched a new initiative encouraging area commuters to consider taking transit in the new year. The goal of the “Make Transit Your Ride in 2025” campaign is to connect with those new to the safe, integrated public transit system and show them how they can take advantage of CMT’s FREE Try & Ride Program that provides personalized route information, helpful resources and complimentary transit tickets.
Learn MoreThe St. Clair County Transit District (SCCTD) has been awarded $200,000 in grant funding from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for the development of Phase 3 of its Fairview Heights – Swansea Trail. This new, 1.1-mile trail segment is part of three trails in Fairview Heights that, once complete, will combine to create a 4.5-mile bike trail corridor extending from the intersection of Highway 161 and Sullivan Drive to The REC Complex of Fairview Heights on Bunkum Road.
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