How to Ride

For many area residents, the thought of using transit comes with a number of questions like – What route do I take? How long does it take? Where do I purchase tickets? Here are some easy tips and tricks to help ensure your ride is smooth on transit.

  1. Remember that eating or drinking is NOT permitted on MetroLink trains or MetroBus.
  2. Dress for the weather so you are not uncomfortable while waiting for the bus to arrive or transferring to other buses or trains.
  3. Take your bike on board:
    On Metrolink trains: After all passengers have entered or exited the train, enter the train at the rear door of the first train car or the front or rear door of the second train car. Only one bike is permitted in each area.
    On MetroBuses: MetroBuses are equipped with a bike rack available on first-come, first-served basis. Only two bikes can fit on each rack. Check out this video to learn how to use the MetroBus bike rack:
  4. Accessibility:
    All MetroBuses have either lifts or ramps, and most have kneelers to assist passengers who cannot use or have difficulty using the stairs. Priority seating is available in the front of the bus for passengers who have difficulty standing while the vehicle is in motion. There are two reserved seating areas for customers using wheelchairs or scooters, which are equipped with devices to secure the scooter or chair to help ensure a safe ride. Similarly, each MetroLink train floor is level with the station platform to ensure ease of entry and exit. Trains also have priority seating locations for customers with disabilities, wheelchairs, or scooters. All MetroLink station platforms are accessible via ramps or elevators.
  5. If there is a disturbance on the system:
    Stay calm and listen for instructions. If you are on a train or bus, wait for instructions from your driver or operator. If you are on a MetroLink platform, listen for announcements over the loudspeaker or from security personnel at the station. There are also Passenger Assist Telephones (PATs) located on the MetroLink platform next to the ticket vending machines. Use the PATs to ask questions or report an emergency. If the train or bus stops unexpectedly, do not exit the vehicle unless instructed to do so by official staff. If evacuation becomes necessary, carefully follow the staff’s instructions. If on the train, there is a Passenger Intercom located at the operator’s cab on both ends of the train with which you may talk to the train operator. If you need to report an emergency incident, please call 911.  You may also call or text Metro Public Safety Department with safety concerns or to report a suspicious package, available 24/7 at
    314-289-6873 (PHONE) – 314-300-0188 (TEXT).


Basic Instructions

The Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) at the MetroLink stations can accept nickels, dimes, quarters, Susan B. Anthony dollars, $1 bills, $5 bills, and $10 dollar bills.

  1. Select your ticket(s) first. Do not insert your money first.
  2. After selecting your ticket(s), the display screen on the TVM will prompt you to insert your money.
  3. Retrieve your ticket(s) and any change from the machine.
  4. If you have purchased multiple tickets and do not plan on using them all at once (i.e., one person purchasing four tickets), DO NOT validate all of the tickets. Only validate your MetroLink ticket(s) right before you use them. If you validate a ticket and you do not use said ticket within the timeframe indicated by the Validator stamp, your ticket will be null and void.

Also, note that your unvalidated tickets have an expiration date on them. The tickets will expire six months after purchase unless validated and used within this six-month time period.