Consider test-driving transit through CMT’s Try & Ride program. If you switch to MetroLink or MetroBus, the first month’s fare is on us.
Here are the details you need to know about the Try & Ride program:
The program is for people who currently drive alone to work or school. If you already ride transit, help us welcome new riders on your daily commute.
- You will commit to taking transit – either MetroLink, MetroBus or a combination of both – at least three days a week for two months.
- Your first month is free. You pay the fares for the second month
- You will take a short survey after the first month and again after the second month.
- You will sign a letter of commitment agreeing to these terms.
If you do not comply with the terms, you will reimburse CMT for the cost of the first month’s tickets.
- You are encouraged to log your transit travels and share them with us.
- After you have agreed to all terms, you will receive a Try & Ride packet in the mail. Please give CMT 18 business days to process your registration.
And some things you might not know:
- According to the American Public Transit Association, every dollar invested in public transit has a $4 return for this region. Since opening in 1993, more than $16 billion in development has been tracked within a half-mile of the MetroLink system.
- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages Americans to be active at least 20 minutes each day to improve their overall health and fitness. Public transit provides an opportunity for users to get the exercise they need at one or both ends of their trip.
- It pays to ride transit! The American Public Transit Association reports that individuals who choose transit over owning a car can save more than $9,000 a year.
To enroll in the program click here.