The St. Clair County Transit District kicked off Transit Vision 2020, a 9-month comprehensive study of the entire MetroBus system in St. Clair County, at the Clyde Jordan Senior Center this morning with elected officials, stakeholders and residents.
The consultant, Transportation Management Design (TMD), was on site to provide a study overview. Participants learned about the study’s objectives, timeline, and how they can get involved. Additionally, participants were asked for feedback about the current state of the system and participated in a dot exercise to show prioritized areas of interest for transit service.
The St. Clair County Transit District (SCCTD) is committed to ensuring a safe, effective and efficient transit system. At its April Board meeting, the SCCTD Board approved a contract with TMD to conduct the comprehensive analysis of the entire MetroBus System in St. Clair County.
The study will look at changing service options with the goal of offering patrons faster, more frequent service. SCCTD is providing an opportunity to hear directly from the consultants about the project including study goals, timeline and how stakeholders can join the conversation and have an impact on the study results through community meetings and pop-up events at transit stations over the coming months. SCCTD will be soliciting input from the public throughout each step of the study process to ensure recommended service changes meet the needs of the community. The anticipated completion date is February 2020. To view the presentation slides from the kickoff event, click here.
Residents can weigh in directly today through an online MetroQuest Survey.