A Message from our Friends at Challenge Unlimited, Inc.

As we all hear of the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States, we want you to know that your safety is one of our top concerns. With your wellbeing in mind, Challenge Unlimited, Inc. has received a mandate from the Illinois Department of Human Services to cease client services effective Tuesday, March 17th thru April 15, 2020. With that being the case, we intend to continue to provide services to you as agreed upon utilizing our trained staff during this period. We will be reaching out to you shortly to discuss any specific items related to your service or product.

We have implemented the CDC recommendations and would like to share with you some steps that we have taken to maintain our high level of safety and cleanliness.

1. All of our team members have been trained on identifying symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how to respond if they were to show any symptoms, or they were to come in contact with someone identified with the infection.

2. An information fact sheet on Infectious Prevention in a Commercial Building has been shared with the team. Site managers will be ensuring that common touchpoints within areas of our responsibility are identified with the team.

3. We have partnered with a 3rd Party Vendor who is supplying us with product identified on the EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products for use against the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The team will be using this product on common touch points in the areas of our responsibility.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Challenge Manager, if you have any concerns or additional questions.

As always, we thank you for your continued support of our Mission to Provide Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities which will Assist them to Live, Work, and Participate in Community.

Susan Wild
Director of Skills Training
Challenge Unlimited, Inc.